Team Scores by Round

Team Scores by Round

Qualified for Championships & International History Olympiad
Qualified for Playoffs
Bowl Winner


Varsity and JV Scores by Round

  Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Total Record Prelim rank
Busan A * 230 310 260 200 180 1180 5-0 1
Hankuk B 230 180 220 280 170 1080 4-1 2
SIS A 200 220 200 150 190 960 4-1 3
SIS C 280 200 160 170 250 1060 3-2 4
Hankuk A 200 120 180 230 50 780 2-3 5
Dulwich A * 160 230 180 150 120 840 1-4 6
SIS B 210 100 50 70 80 510 1-4 7
Centennial 50 50 40 40 0 180 0-5 8

MS Scores by Round

  Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Total Record Prelim rank
Dulwich C Bye 200 150 160 160 670 4-0 1
Busan B 240 220 140 Bye 160 760 3-1 2
Busan C 220 Bye 130 100 60 510 2-2 3
Busan D 100 30 Bye 140 70 340 1-3 4
Dulwich B 140 40 80 100 Bye 360 0-4 5



Team Matchups by Round

Team Matchups by Round 

Round 1 Scores Round 2 Scores Round 3 Scores
Busan A 230 SIS A 220 Hankuk B 220
Hankuk A 200 SIS B 100 Dulwich A 180
Hankuk B 230 Busan A 310 SIS A 200
SIS A 200 Centennial 50 SIS C 160
SIS C 280 Dulwich A 230 Busan A 260
Dulwich A 160 Hankuk A 120 SIS B 50
SIS B 210 SIS C 200 Hankuk A 180
Centennial 50 Hankuk B 180 Centennial 40
Busan B 240 Busan B 220 Busan C 130
Dulwich B 140 Busan D 30 Dulwich B 80
Busan C 220 Dulwich C 200 Dulwich C 150
Busan D 100 Dulwich B 40 Busan B 140
Round 4 Scores Round 5 Scores
Hankuk A 230 Busan A 180
SIS B 70 Dulwich A 120
Hankuk B 280 SIS C 250
Centennial 40 Hankuk A 50
SIS A 150 Hankuk B 170
Dulwich A 150 SIS B 80
Busan A 200 SIS A 190
SIS C 170 Centennial 0
Busan D 140 Dulwich C 160
Dulwich B 100 Busan D 70
Dulwich C 160 Busan B 160
Busan C 100 Busan C 60



Final Rounds

Final Rounds

Varsity and JV Final 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 Totals
Hankuk B 60 40 70 80 250
Busan A 30 50 30 10 120
MS Final 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 Totals
Dulwich C 50 10 40 30 130
Busan B 20 30 40 10 100