Team Scores by Round

Team Scores by Round

Qualified for Championships & International History Olympiad
Qualified for Playoffs
Regional Winner

Varsity Scores by Round

  Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Total Average Record Prelim Rank
Singapore American School A Crossover 490 430 430 470 1820 455 4-0 1
Jurong Junior College 220 420 360 320 250 1570 314 5-0 2
The Independents A 290 220 350 180 Crossover 1040 260 3-1 3
The Independents B 170 Crossover 310 300 210 990 247.5 3-1 4
National Junior College A 220 130 120 310 320 1100 220 3-2 5
Global Indian Intl. Queenstown A 210 290 270 160 160 1090 218 3-2 6
Anderson Junior College B 190 150 80 140 200 760 152 2-3 7
Dunman High School A 110 130 110 160 110 620 124 0-5 8
River Valley High School A 130 90 Crossover 150 120 490 122.5 1-3 9
Anderson Junior College A 140 160 80 Crossover 40 420 105 0-4 10
National Junior College B 140 80 30 100 30 380 76 1-4 11

JV Scores by Round

  Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Total Average Record Prelim Rank
NPS International School 350 380 410 410 370 1920 384 5-0 1
Singapore American School B 340 460 390 170 400 1760 352 4-1 2
Singapore American School C 320 370 Crossover 310 330 1330 332.5 4-0 3
Dunman High School B 240 Crossover 180 240 180 840 210 3-1 4
Dunman Secondary School A 90 210 230 160 220 910 182 3-2 5
River Valley High School B 340 100 150 150 130 870 174 1-4 6
National Junior College C Crossover 160 200 170 110 640 160 2-2 7
Global Indian Intl. Queenstown B 90 140 100 200 60 590 118 3-2 8
National Junior College D 50 50 140 220 90 550 110 3-2 9
Clementi Town Secondary B 120 120 50 120 120 530 106 1-4 10
Bukit Batok Secondary 150 10 70 110 Crossover 340 85 1-3 11
Dunman Secondary School B 80 90 80 80 90 420 84 0-5 12
Clementi Town Secondary A 40 30 60 Crossover 10 140 35 0-4 13


Middle School Scores by Round  

  Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Total Record Prelim Rank
Singapore American School D 210 360 330 310 390 260 1860 6-0 1
Global Indian Intl. East Coast 170 180 140 180 180 120 970 4-2 2
Dunman High School C 190 80 100 170 110 60 710 2-4 3
National Junior College E 120 40 110 120 20 50 460 0-6 4



Team Matchups by Round

Team Matchups by Round

Round 1 Scores Round 2 Scores Round 3 Scores
GIIS Queenstown A 210 Jurong 420 Independents B 310
Anderson A 140 River Valley A 90 Natl Jr. College A 120
Natl. Jr. College B 140 Independents A 220 SAS C 320
Dunman High A 110 Anderson A 160 River Valley A 100
Natl Jr. College A 220 GIIS Queenstown A 290 Jurong 360
Anderson B 190 Natl. Jr. College B 80 Anderson A 80
SAS A 450 Anderson B 150 Independents A 350
Natl. Jr. College C 130 Dunman High A 130 Natl. Jr. College B 30
Jurong 220 SAS A 490 GIIS Queenstown A 270
Independents B 170 Natl Jr. College A 130 Dunman High A 110
Independents A 290 Independents B 300 SAS A 430
River Valley A 130 Dunman High B 180 Anderson B 80
SAS B 340 SAS C 370 Dunman Sec. A 230
Clementi A 40 Natl. Jr. College D 50 Dunman High B 180
Bukit Batok 150 GIIS Queenstown B 140 Natl. Jr. College C 200
Clementi B 120 Clementi A 30 River Valley B 150
River Valley B 340 SAS B 460 Natl. Jr. College D 140
Dunman Sec. B 80 Bukit Batok 10 Clementi A 60
NPS 350 Clementi B 120 GIIS Queenstown B 100
Dunman Sec. A 90 Dunman Sec. B 90 Bukit Batok 70
Dunman High B 240 NPS 380 SAS B 390
Natl. Jr. College D 50 River Valley B 100 Dunman Sec. B 80
SAS C 320 Dunman Sec. A 210 NPS 410
GIIS Queenstown B 90 Natl. Jr. College C 160 Clementi B 50
Dunman High C 190 SAS D 360 SAS D 330
Natl. Jr. College E 120 Natl. Jr. College E 40 Dunman High C 100
SAS D 210 GIIS East Coast 180 GIIS East Coast 140
GIIS East Coast 170 Dunman High C 80 Natl. Jr. College E 110
Round 4 Scores Round 5 Scores Round 6 Scores
SAS A 430 Jurong 250 GIIS East Coast 120
GIIS Queenstown A 160 Dunman High A 110 Natl. Jr. College E 50
Independents B 300 SAS A 470 SAS D 260
Anderson B 140 Natl. Jr. College B 30 Dunman High C 60
River Valley A 150 Independents B 210
Natl. Jr. College B 100 GIIS Queenstown A 160
Anderson A 200 Anderson B 200
Clementi A 40 River Valley A 120
Natl. Jr. College A 310 Natl Jr. College A 320
Dunman High A 160 Anderson A 40
Jurong 320 Independents A 280
Independents A 180 Bukit Batok 70
Natl. Jr. College C 170 NPS 370
Clementi B 120 GIIS Queenstown B 60
Dunman High B 240 SAS B 400
River Valley B 150 Natl. Jr. College C 110
SAS C 310 Dunman High B 180
Dunman Sec. A 160 Clementi B 120
NPS 410 SAS C 330
SAS B 170 River Valley B 130
Natl. Jr. College D 220 Dunman Sec. A 220
Bukit Batok 110 Clementi A 10
GIIS Queenstown B 200 Natl. Jr. College D 90
Dunman Sec. B 80 Dunman Sec. B 90
SAS D 310 GIIS East Coast 180
GIIS East Coast 180 Dunman High C 110
Dunman High C 170 SAS D 390
Natl. Jr. College E 120 Natl. Jr. College E 20




Final Rounds

Final Rounds

Varsity Semifinal 1 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 Totals
Singapore American School A (1) 60 110 140 110 420
The Independents B (4) 40 20 40 10 110
Varsity Semifinal 2 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 Totals
Jurong Junior College (2) 50 90 60 70 270
The Independents A (3) 40 40 60 80 220
Varsity Final 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 Totals
Singapore American School A (1) 60 150 100 80 390
Jurong Junior College (2) 30 0 100 60 190
JV Semifinal 1 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 Totals
NPS International School (1) 60 110 90 50 310
Dunman High School B (4) 10 20 40 40 110
JV Semifinal 2 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 Totals
Singapore American School B (2) 60 100 80 70 310
Singapore American School C (3) 40 30 60 40 170
JV Final 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 Totals
NPS International School (1) 60 100 120 60 340
Singapore American School B (2) 40 40 60 30 170